Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Kohls is retail store here in town and they often offer coupons to bring in business, you can receive it in the mail and peel sticker to see which percentage off you have received. This also stacks with Kohl's cash, you receive Kohl's cash for spending a certain amount in the store.

It is believed you can beat the system if you wait until you get a 30% off coupon in the mail... That's the only thing they will send you. I'm not sure it it works but my economics teacher does.

So if you're in need for some serious savings, wait patiently for a 30% coupon and head down to your local Kohl's and check the clearance racks. If you're a frequent shopper and have some Kohl's cash stack that with a coupon and triple that with clearance and BoomShakalaka savings galore. Expect Great Things!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Retailing, this is a dreadful job for most. I have worked one retail job twice, yes I typed that correctly. I worked at Lowes twice.

Its funny how all of these are so true. There are so many bad memories about working at lowers that I couldn't name them all... so I'll name a few. Loading 80lb. bags of concrete for people, my favorite was when they told me they were injured, I always smiled and said "yea, I know how you feel... I am a disabled combat veteran". People wanting to buy lumber or sheetrock and they only have a Prius or Honda Civic... thats when you smile and walk away. Like the picture says, If someone needs help in plumbing, you automatically are "on your break" but you'll send someone their way. I'm sure my posting sin't helping much with brand image but I pulled up some dark memories and now I feel better.
So as we continue our way through life always remember... "Never stop Improving"

Sunday, June 14, 2015

This week was a fun week for my marketing class, we talked about sales which is fun for me because thats my expected area of work.
I talked about Clydesdales, Polar Bears and Belly Buttons. And for someone with the attention span like me... It's exactly what I needed to pay attention.
 Wish my other 2 classes would have as much fun as my BMKT class does.

Monday, June 8, 2015

The purchasing process using the AIDA model states that consumers are first made aware of the product/service which leads to Interest in said product, which leads to Desire for the item, then ultimately to action. So I thought it might be fun to let you in on a little product of my own... I currently on the Desire portion and I feel close to Action.
In the Marines I slept in places that's hard to describe.... Like on a rock, or in a pile of ashes, in the dessert as well as the ocean... okay well on a boat. And after returning to the US i told myself that I didn't care how much it cost I was getting a nice bed... but I didn't know much about the bed then. So I bought a bed that I'm already tired of... and Yes it was an expensive bed. So as soon as I can get my wife on board for spending the chunk of change for a different bed I will be sleeping in the clouds.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Creating new products. I often thought that weightlifting was an industry that wouldn't get much new equipment invented in my lifetime. Weight lifting for the longest time was a piece of iron with a handle on it for grip. Now that marketers have targets other than massive muscle building we have bountiful more pieces of equipment that no one would have thought of if we only targeted traditional weight lifters. Like the shake-weight... ( I had a gif but couldn't stop laughing)
also the Total Gym... just 30 minutes a day will get you Chuck Norris ripped. 
Then of course the BowFlex

All of these would appeal to the Lou Ferrigno's of the world but after finding different groups adopting different styles of exercise. These brands have grown to be kind of a big deal.